Monday, April 5, 2010


What do I write about? I almost feel silly for even having a blog, but someone said that reading blogs are like "being someone's shadow -- you can see what they're doing without them ever knowing you're there." So...many there's someone out there who wants to be my shadow.

Georgia's potty training is finally improving. I started a little potty training success chart, and she gets to put a sticker in a square every time she goes, and then when she fills up a line, she gets a toy. Maybe that's helping. Her daycare said that she went potty every time they went to the bathroom today. I wonder what they're doing that I'm not... :o) Someday, I would like to have another baby, and I know that Eric wants a boy, but I just don't know if I can handle the potty training again...this is really hard. It'll be Eric's turn next time!

I have a good shot at getting on with Blue Cross Blue Shield this week. I hope the interview will go well because I need a flippin' job. I love being home with Georgia so much, but this stay at home mom stuff is for the birds. Some women can do it, and some women can't. I'm one of the women who can't. I still feel bad about us being in this situation. I still feel like this is all my fault, but whatever. Things happen, I guess. Anyway, I think I'll be lucky because I have work experience with BCBS. Say a prayer for me, everyone!

This past Sunday was the fourth week that we've been going to Ranchhouse Fellowship. We really like it, and it's nice that Mom's been going with me. This old man got baptized on Sunday, and it brought me to tears. It was just amazing that this man, whose life was almost done...this man, who has plenty of stories to tell, felt compelled to confirm his faith in God. It was wonderful. It made you feel like, "If he can do it, then why can't I?" I'm so ready to be baptized again. I can't wait for Georgia to be baptized, too. Maybe this time, I can live my life the way that God wants me to instead of living a worldly life. I've done so much since my baptism that I just don't feel clean anymore. I miss the Catholic church so much...but that's something that will never be in my life again. So this is just as good (if not better!) for me. This church is so welcoming, so inviting, so comfortable. I can't say enough good things about it.

Well, that's about all, I suppose. We're boring people, I know. But to all my shadows out there, hope you were satisfied!

The Lee's

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